
MRAP as a Collaborative

Ryan, Charlotte and William. A. Gamson. 2011. “Sustaining Collaboration:  Lessons from the Movement and Media Research Action Project,” In Media and Social Justice, Curry Jansen, Taub, and Pooley (Eds). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gamson, William A. 2005. “Afterword.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 265-279. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Gamson, William A. 2004. "Life on the Interface. Public Sociologies: A Symposium."  Social Problems, Vol. 51, No. 1,  105-109.

Ryan, Charlotte. 2004. “Can We Be Compañeros? Public Sociologies: A Symposium.” Social Problems, Vol. 51, No. 1,  110-113.

Ryan, Charlotte, Kevin M. Carragee, & William Meinhofer. 2001. “Theory into Practice: Framing, the News Media, and Collective Action.” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media45(1),175-182.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1999. "News Media Access and Marginalized Groups: The Experiences of the Media Research and Action Project." in The Voice of the Voiceless, ed. E. Slembek, 71-82, St. Ingbert, Germany: Rohrig Universitatsverlag.

Ryan, Charlotte, Kevin M. Carragee and Cassie Schwerner. 1998. "Media, Movements, and the Quest for Social Justice." Journal of Applied Communication Research26 (May):165-181. 

Social Movements


Ryan Charlotte and Karen Jeffreys, Beyond Prime Time Activism: Communication Activism and Social Change. New York: Routledge.
Lessons and stories about movement building from 30 years of MRAP scholar-activist collaboration.

Leondar-Wright, Betsy. 2014. Missing Class: Strengthening Social
Movement Groups by
Seeing Class Cultures. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

Alimi, Eitan. 2007. Israeli Politics and the First Palestinian Intifada: Political Opportunity, Framing Processes and Contentious Politics. New York: Routledge.

Kurtz, Sharon. 2002.  Workplace Justice: Organizing Multi-Identity Movements. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press.

Croteau, David. 1995. Politics and the Class Divide: Working People and the Middle-Class Left. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Meyer, David. 1990. A Winter of Discontent: The Nuclear Freeze and American Politics. New York: Praeger.


Articles and Chapters

Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys, Jim Ryczek, and Taylor Ellowitz. 2013. “I Mattered and It Mattered.”  In K. Howley (Ed.) Media Interventions. New York: Peter Lang.

Alimi, Eitan, William A. Gamson and Charlotte Ryan. 2006. Knowing Your Adversary: Israeli Structure of Political Opportunities and the Inception of the Palestinian Intifada. Sociological Forum 21, no. 4: 535-557.

Alimi Eitan. 2006. The Intifada and Israeli – Strategies, Opportunities, and Contentious Tactics. State and Society 6, no. 1: 157-185.

Schwerner, Cassie. (2005). “Building the Movement for Education Equity.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 115-136. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Goodson, Adria. 2005. “Building Bridges, Building Leaders: Theory, Action, and Lived Experience.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 191-205. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Gamson, William A. 1998. “Social Movements and Cultural Change.” In From Contention to Democracy, ed. Marco Giugni, Doug McAdam and Charles Tilly, 57-77. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.

Alimi, Eitan. 2003. “The Effects of Opportunities on Insurgencies.” Terrorism and Political Violence 15: 11-138.

Gamson, William A. 1996. “Safe Spaces and Social Movements.” In Perspectives on Social Problems, vol. 8, ed. James Holstein and Gail Miller, 27-38. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Gamson, William A. 1996. “Social Movements and Cultural Change.” In From Contention to Democracy, ed. Marco Giugni, Doug McAdam and Charles Tilly, 57-77. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.

Gamson, William A. and David Meyer. 1996. “Framing Political Opportunity.” In Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings, eds. Doug McAdam, John McCarthy and Meyer Zald, 275-290. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gamson, William A. 1995. “Constructing Social Protest.” In Social Movements and Culture, ed. Hank Johnston and Bert Klandermans, 85-106. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Meyer, David S. 1993. “Peace Protest and Policy: Explaining the Rise and Decline of Antinuclear Movements in Postwar America.” Policy Studies Journal 21:1 (Spring) 35-51.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1993. "Review of Talking Politics," Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 10 (December): 431-433.

Gamson, William A. 1992. “The Social Psychology of Collective Action.” In Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, ed. Aldon Morris and Carol Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Gamson, William A. 1991. “Commitment and Agency in Social Movements.” Sociological Forum 6, no. 1: 27-50.

Framing Theory and Research


Gamson, William, A. 1990. Talking Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Articles and Chapters

Ryan, Charlotte and William A. Gamson. 2006. “The Art of Reframing Political Debates. “Contexts 5, no. 1: 13-18.

Ryan, Charlotte and Samuel Alexander. 2006. “’Reframing’ the Presentation of Environmental Law.” Boston College Environmental Law Review, 33, no.1: 1-18

Carragee, Kevin M. and Wim Roefs. 2004. "The Neglect of Power in Recent Framing Research.” Journal of Communication, 54 (June): 214-233.

Gamson, William A. 1996. “Media Discourse as a Framing Resource.” In The Psychology of Political Communication, 111-132. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Gamson, William A. 1989. “News as Framing.” American Behavioral Scientist (November/December): 157-161.

Ryan, Charlotte. 1989. “Framing a Message; Nicaragua Comes to New Bedford.” Annual Review of Peace Activism.

Movement/Media Interaction

Articles and Chapters

Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys, Jim Ryczek, and Janelle Diaz. 2014.  “Building the Public Will: The Battle for Affordable—and Supportive—Housing.” In Journal of Poverty, Summer 2014.

Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys, Jim Ryczek and Taylor Ellowitz. 2013. “Walk, Talk, Fax, or Tweet:  Reconstructing Media-Movement Interactions through Group Story-telling.  In Cammaerts, B., Mattoni, A., & McCurdy, P. (Eds.).  Mediation and protest movements.  Chicago, Ill.  University of Chicago: Intellect.

Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys and Linda Blozie. 2012. “Raising Public Awareness of Domestic Violence: Strategic Communication and Movement Building.”  In Strategy in Action. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. Maney, Kutz-Flamenbaum, Rohlinger, and Goodwin (Eds).

Ryan, Charlotte, Michael Anastario and Karen Jeffreys. 2004. “Start Small, Build Big: Negotiating Opportunities in Media Markets.” Mobilization 10, no 1: 111-128.

Gamson, William A. 2001. Promoting Political Engagement. In Mediated Politics, ed. W. Lance Bennett and Robert Entman, 56-74. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Ryan, Charlotte, Kevin M. Carragee and Cassie Schwerner. 1998. "Media, Movements, and the Quest for Social Justice." Journal of Applied Communication Research, 26 (May):165-181. 

Gamson, William A. and Gadi Wolsfeld. 1993. “Movements and Media as Interacting Systems.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 528 (July): 114-125.

Analyzing News Coverage


Ferree, Myra Marx, William A. Gamson, Jurgen Gerhards and Dieter Rucht. 2002. Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Articles and Chapters

Ryan, Charlotte, Michael Anastario and Alfredo Da Cunha. 2005. “Changing Coverage of Domestic Violence Murders: A Longitudinal Experiment in Participatory Communication.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 20, no, 10: 1-19.

Ryan, C. 2004. “It Takes a Movement to Raise an Issue: Media Lessons from the 1997 U.P.S. Strike.” Critical Sociology 3: 483-512.

Gamson, William A. 2004. On a Sociology of the Media. Political Sociology 21: 305-307. 

Gamson, William A. 2004. “Bystanders, Public Opinion, and the Media.” In The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, ed. David Snow, Sarah Soule and Hanspeter Kriesi, 242-261. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Carragee, Kevin M. 2003.  "Evaluating Polysemy: An Analysis of the New York Times' Coverage of the End of the Cold War" Political Communication, 20 (July-September): 287-308.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1996."Defining Foreign Social Movements." Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly 8 (March): 35-41. (This article is included in a special issue examining the Media and Social Change).

Ryan, Charlotte, 1996. “The Media War on Welfare.” Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly 8 (March): 13-20.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1993. "A Critical Evaluation of Debates Examining the Media Hegemony Thesis." Western Journal of Communication, 57 (Summer):  330-348.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1991. "News and Ideology: An Analysis of Coverage of the West German Green Party by the New York Times," Journalism Monographs, 128 (August): 1-30.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1990. "Defining Solidarity:  Themes and Omissions in the Coverage of the Solidarity Trade Union Movement by ABC News." Journalism Monographs, 119 (February): 1-48.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1990. "Defining a Foreign Social Movement:  An Analysis of Newsweek's Coverage of the Solidarity Trade Union Movement in Poland." In Culture and Communication: Language, Performance, Technology and Media, ed. Sari Thomas and William Evans, 34-52.  Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Gamson, William A. and Andre Modigliani. 1989. Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear Power. American Journal of Sociology 95: 1-37.

Gamson, William A. 1989. “A Constructionist Approach to Mass Media and Public Opinion.” Symbolic Interaction 2: 161-174.

Engaged Scholarship


Ryan, Charlotte and Karen Jeffreys. 2019. Beyond Prime Time Activism: Communication Activism and Social Change. New York: Routledge.

Croteau, David, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, eds. 2005. Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ryan, Charlotte. 1991. Prime Time Activism: Media Strategies for Grassroots Organizing. Boston: South End Press. 


Articles and Chapters

Ryan, Charlotte and Gregory Squires. 2019. “Social Movement Research with Whom: The Potential Contribution of Community-based Research Methods.” Published in the 2019 volume of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, an annual peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal, Volume 43: Bringing Down the Divides, pp.185-211. 

Ryan, Charlotte, Vanessa Salas-Wright, Michael Anastario and Gabriel Cámara. 2010. “Making Communication Research Matter: Matter to Whom?” International Journal of Communication, Volume 4 (2010), pp. 1- 10.  downloaded 10-11-11.

Ryan, Charlotte. 2008. “’Who are These People?’  Under-recognized Internet Audiences.”  Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación. Universidad IberoAmericana. Winter.

Gawerc, Michelle. 2006. “Peace-Building: Theoretical and Concrete Perspectives.” Peace & Change 31, no. 4: 435- 478.

Carragee, Kevin M. 2005."Housing Crisis: Gaining Standing in a Community Coalition." In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 79-96. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Croteau, David, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan. 2005. “Introduction: Integrating Social Movement Theory and Practice. In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, xi-xviii. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Croteau, David. 2005. “Which Side Are You On? The Tension between Movement Scholarship and Activism. In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 20-40. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.  

Ryan, Charlotte. 2005. “Successful Collaboration: Movement Building in the Media Arena.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 176-190. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ryan, Charlotte. (2004). “Can We Be Companeros? Social Problems, 51. no. 1: 110-113.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1991. "Culture, Hegemony and Resistance: A Critique of Recent Critical Research." In Culture and Communication, ed. Edith Slembek, 71-82. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag fur Interkulturelle Kommunication.

Communication Activism Research


Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee, eds. 2007. Communication Activism: Media and Performance Studies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee, eds. 2007.  Communication Activism:  for Social Change.  Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee, ed. 2012. Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference. New York: Hampton Press.


Articles and Chapters

Carragee, Kevin M. and Lawrence Frey. 2016. “Communication Activism Research: Engaged Communication Research for Social Justice”. International Journal of Communication, 10, 3975-3999.

Lawrence Frey and Kevin M. Carragee. 2016. “Seizing the Social Justice Opportunity: Communication Activism Research at a Politically Critical Juncture”. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4027-4033.

Carragee, Kevin M. and Lawrence Frey. 2012.“Communication Activism for Social Justice Scholarship” In Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference. ed. Larry Frey and Kevin M. Carragee, 1-68.  New York: Hampton Press.

Ryan, Charlotte and Karen Jeffreys. 2012. “Challenging Domestic Violence: Trickle-Up Theorizing about Participation and Power in Communication Activism.“ In Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference, ed. Lawrence Frey and Kevin M. Carragee, 179-122.  New York: Hampton Press.  

Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee. 2007. "Communication Activism as Engaged Scholarship," In Communication Activism: Media and Performance Studies. ed. Lawrence Frey and Kevin M. Carragee, 1-64.  Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. (this introduction also appears in Communication Activism: Communication for Social Change, pp. 1-64).

Carragee, Kevin M.  2011. Review of “Communications Research in Action: Scholar-Activist Collaborations for a Democratic Public Sphere,” Journal of Communication 61, no. 6: E13-E17. (Charlotte, I moved this here so that the Communication Activism books are grouped together).

Hoynes, William. 2005. “Media Research and Media Activism.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 97- 114. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Media Studies/Cultural Studies


Hoynes, William. 1994. Public Television for Sale. Boulder, CO; Westview Press.

Croteau, David and William Hoynes. 1994. By Invitation Only: How the Media Limit Political Debate. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.

Articles and Chapters

Carragee, Kevin M. 2006. "Public Space and the Public Sphere," In The Urban Communication Reader. ed. Gene Burd, Susan Drucker and Gary Gumpert, 79-86. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 

Carragee. Kevin M. 1996. "Critical Ethnographies and the Concept of Resistance." In Mainstreams and Margins, ed.  M. Morgan and S. Leggett, 126-142. New York: Greenwood Publishing.

Croteau, David, William Hoynes, and Kevin M. Carragee. 1996."The Political Diversity of Public Television: Polysemy, the Public Sphere, and the Conservative Critique of PBS." Journalism and Mass Communication Monographs, 157 (June): 1- 55.

Croteau, David, William Hoynes and Kevin M. Carragee. 1994."The Broken Promise of Public Television". In By Invitation Only: How the Media Limit Political Debate, ed. David Croteau and William Hoynes, 139-170. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.

Croteau, David, William Hoynes and Kevin M. Carragee. 1993. "Public Television and the Missing Public.” Extra! (September/October): 6-14.

Gamson, William A., David Croteau, William Hoynes and Theodore Sasson. 1992. “Media Images and the Social Construction of Reality. Annual Review of Sociology, 18: 373-393.

Gamson, William A. and David Stuart. 1992. “Media Discourse as a Symbolic Contest: The Bomb in Political Cartoons. Sociological Forum 7: 55-86.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1990."Interpretive Media Study and Interpretive Social Science." Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 7 (Fall): 81-96.