Analyzing News Coverage


Ferree, Myra Marx, William A. Gamson, Jurgen Gerhards and Dieter Rucht. 2002. Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Articles and Chapters

Ryan, Charlotte, Michael Anastario and Alfredo Da Cunha. 2005. “Changing Coverage of Domestic Violence Murders: A Longitudinal Experiment in Participatory Communication.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 20, no, 10: 1-19.

Ryan, C. 2004. “It Takes a Movement to Raise an Issue: Media Lessons from the 1997 U.P.S. Strike.” Critical Sociology 3: 483-512.

Gamson, William A. 2004. On a Sociology of the Media. Political Sociology 21: 305-307. 

Gamson, William A. 2004. “Bystanders, Public Opinion, and the Media.” In The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, ed. David Snow, Sarah Soule and Hanspeter Kriesi, 242-261. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Carragee, Kevin M. 2003.  "Evaluating Polysemy: An Analysis of the New York Times' Coverage of the End of the Cold War" Political Communication, 20 (July-September): 287-308.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1996."Defining Foreign Social Movements." Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly 8 (March): 35-41. (This article is included in a special issue examining the Media and Social Change).

Ryan, Charlotte, 1996. “The Media War on Welfare.” Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly 8 (March): 13-20.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1993. "A Critical Evaluation of Debates Examining the Media Hegemony Thesis." Western Journal of Communication, 57 (Summer):  330-348.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1991. "News and Ideology: An Analysis of Coverage of the West German Green Party by the New York Times," Journalism Monographs, 128 (August): 1-30.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1990. "Defining Solidarity:  Themes and Omissions in the Coverage of the Solidarity Trade Union Movement by ABC News." Journalism Monographs, 119 (February): 1-48.

Carragee, Kevin M. 1990. "Defining a Foreign Social Movement:  An Analysis of Newsweek's Coverage of the Solidarity Trade Union Movement in Poland." In Culture and Communication: Language, Performance, Technology and Media, ed. Sari Thomas and William Evans, 34-52.  Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Gamson, William A. and Andre Modigliani. 1989. Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear Power. American Journal of Sociology 95: 1-37.

Gamson, William A. 1989. “A Constructionist Approach to Mass Media and Public Opinion.” Symbolic Interaction 2: 161-174.