Articles and Chapters
Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys, Jim Ryczek, and Janelle Diaz. 2014. “Building the Public Will: The Battle for Affordable—and Supportive—Housing.” In Journal of Poverty, Summer 2014.
Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys, Jim Ryczek and Taylor Ellowitz. 2013. “Walk, Talk, Fax, or Tweet: Reconstructing Media-Movement Interactions through Group Story-telling. In Cammaerts, B., Mattoni, A., & McCurdy, P. (Eds.). Mediation and protest movements. Chicago, Ill. University of Chicago: Intellect.
Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys and Linda Blozie. 2012. “Raising Public Awareness of Domestic Violence: Strategic Communication and Movement Building.” In Strategy in Action. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota. Maney, Kutz-Flamenbaum, Rohlinger, and Goodwin (Eds).
Ryan, Charlotte, Michael Anastario and Karen Jeffreys. 2004. “Start Small, Build Big: Negotiating Opportunities in Media Markets.” Mobilization 10, no 1: 111-128.
Gamson, William A. 2001. Promoting Political Engagement. In Mediated Politics, ed. W. Lance Bennett and Robert Entman, 56-74. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ryan, Charlotte, Kevin M. Carragee and Cassie Schwerner. 1998. "Media, Movements, and the Quest for Social Justice." Journal of Applied Communication Research, 26 (May):165-181.
Gamson, William A. and Gadi Wolsfeld. 1993. “Movements and Media as Interacting Systems.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 528 (July): 114-125.