Ryan, Charlotte and Karen Jeffreys. 2019. Beyond Prime Time Activism: Communication Activism and Social Change. New York: Routledge.
Croteau, David, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, eds. 2005. Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Ryan, Charlotte. 1991. Prime Time Activism: Media Strategies for Grassroots Organizing. Boston: South End Press.
Articles and Chapters
Ryan, Charlotte and Gregory Squires. 2019. “Social Movement Research with Whom: The Potential Contribution of Community-based Research Methods.” Published in the 2019 volume of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, an annual peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal, Volume 43: Bringing Down the Divides, pp.185-211.
Ryan, Charlotte, Vanessa Salas-Wright, Michael Anastario and Gabriel Cámara. 2010. “Making Communication Research Matter: Matter to Whom?” International Journal of Communication, Volume 4 (2010), pp. 1- 10. downloaded 10-11-11.
Ryan, Charlotte. 2008. “’Who are These People?’ Under-recognized Internet Audiences.” Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación. Universidad IberoAmericana. Winter.
Gawerc, Michelle. 2006. “Peace-Building: Theoretical and Concrete Perspectives.” Peace & Change 31, no. 4: 435- 478.
Carragee, Kevin M. 2005."Housing Crisis: Gaining Standing in a Community Coalition." In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 79-96. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Croteau, David, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan. 2005. “Introduction: Integrating Social Movement Theory and Practice. In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, xi-xviii. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Croteau, David. 2005. “Which Side Are You On? The Tension between Movement Scholarship and Activism. In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 20-40. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Ryan, Charlotte. 2005. “Successful Collaboration: Movement Building in the Media Arena.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 176-190. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Ryan, Charlotte. (2004). “Can We Be Companeros? Social Problems, 51. no. 1: 110-113.
Carragee, Kevin M. 1991. "Culture, Hegemony and Resistance: A Critique of Recent Critical Research." In Culture and Communication, ed. Edith Slembek, 71-82. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag fur Interkulturelle Kommunication.