Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee, eds. 2007. Communication Activism: Media and Performance Studies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee, eds. 2007. Communication Activism: for Social Change. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee, ed. 2012. Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference. New York: Hampton Press.
Articles and Chapters
Carragee, Kevin M. and Lawrence Frey. 2016. “Communication Activism Research: Engaged Communication Research for Social Justice”. International Journal of Communication, 10, 3975-3999.
Lawrence Frey and Kevin M. Carragee. 2016. “Seizing the Social Justice Opportunity: Communication Activism Research at a Politically Critical Juncture”. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4027-4033.
Carragee, Kevin M. and Lawrence Frey. 2012.“Communication Activism for Social Justice Scholarship” In Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference. ed. Larry Frey and Kevin M. Carragee, 1-68. New York: Hampton Press.
Ryan, Charlotte and Karen Jeffreys. 2012. “Challenging Domestic Violence: Trickle-Up Theorizing about Participation and Power in Communication Activism.“ In Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference, ed. Lawrence Frey and Kevin M. Carragee, 179-122. New York: Hampton Press.
Frey, Lawrence and Kevin M. Carragee. 2007. "Communication Activism as Engaged Scholarship," In Communication Activism: Media and Performance Studies. ed. Lawrence Frey and Kevin M. Carragee, 1-64. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. (this introduction also appears in Communication Activism: Communication for Social Change, pp. 1-64).
Carragee, Kevin M. 2011. Review of “Communications Research in Action: Scholar-Activist Collaborations for a Democratic Public Sphere,” Journal of Communication 61, no. 6: E13-E17. (Charlotte, I moved this here so that the Communication Activism books are grouped together).
Hoynes, William. 2005. “Media Research and Media Activism.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 97- 114. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.