Ryan Charlotte and Karen Jeffreys, Beyond Prime Time Activism: Communication Activism and Social Change. New York: Routledge.
Lessons and stories about movement building from 30 years of MRAP scholar-activist collaboration.
Leondar-Wright, Betsy. 2014. Missing Class: Strengthening Social
Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Alimi, Eitan. 2007. Israeli Politics and the First Palestinian Intifada: Political Opportunity, Framing Processes and Contentious Politics. New York: Routledge.
Kurtz, Sharon. 2002. Workplace Justice: Organizing Multi-Identity Movements. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press.
Croteau, David. 1995. Politics and the Class Divide: Working People and the Middle-Class Left. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Meyer, David. 1990. A Winter of Discontent: The Nuclear Freeze and American Politics. New York: Praeger.
Articles and Chapters
Ryan, Charlotte, Karen Jeffreys, Jim Ryczek, and Taylor Ellowitz. 2013. “I Mattered and It Mattered.” In K. Howley (Ed.) Media Interventions. New York: Peter Lang.
Alimi, Eitan, William A. Gamson and Charlotte Ryan. 2006. Knowing Your Adversary: Israeli Structure of Political Opportunities and the Inception of the Palestinian Intifada. Sociological Forum 21, no. 4: 535-557.
Alimi Eitan. 2006. The Intifada and Israeli – Strategies, Opportunities, and Contentious Tactics. State and Society 6, no. 1: 157-185.
Schwerner, Cassie. (2005). “Building the Movement for Education Equity.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 115-136. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Goodson, Adria. 2005. “Building Bridges, Building Leaders: Theory, Action, and Lived Experience.” In Rhyming Hope and History: Activists, Academics and Social Movement Scholarship, ed. David Croteau, William Hoynes and Charlotte Ryan, 191-205. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Gamson, William A. 1998. “Social Movements and Cultural Change.” In From Contention to Democracy, ed. Marco Giugni, Doug McAdam and Charles Tilly, 57-77. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Alimi, Eitan. 2003. “The Effects of Opportunities on Insurgencies.” Terrorism and Political Violence 15: 11-138.
Gamson, William A. 1996. “Safe Spaces and Social Movements.” In Perspectives on Social Problems, vol. 8, ed. James Holstein and Gail Miller, 27-38. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gamson, William A. 1996. “Social Movements and Cultural Change.” In From Contention to Democracy, ed. Marco Giugni, Doug McAdam and Charles Tilly, 57-77. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Gamson, William A. and David Meyer. 1996. “Framing Political Opportunity.” In Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings, eds. Doug McAdam, John McCarthy and Meyer Zald, 275-290. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gamson, William A. 1995. “Constructing Social Protest.” In Social Movements and Culture, ed. Hank Johnston and Bert Klandermans, 85-106. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Meyer, David S. 1993. “Peace Protest and Policy: Explaining the Rise and Decline of Antinuclear Movements in Postwar America.” Policy Studies Journal 21:1 (Spring) 35-51.
Carragee, Kevin M. 1993. "Review of Talking Politics," Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 10 (December): 431-433.
Gamson, William A. 1992. “The Social Psychology of Collective Action.” In Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, ed. Aldon Morris and Carol Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Gamson, William A. 1991. “Commitment and Agency in Social Movements.” Sociological Forum 6, no. 1: 27-50.